Ionic Trace Minerals For Dogs and Cats

Although used in extremely small amounts, ionic trace minerals are an essential part of dog and cat nutrition. Some of the more common trace minerals you may be familiar with include zinc, copper magnesium, iodine, iron, and selenium. These minerals come in an ionized form for better absorption.
Benefits of ionic trace minerals for cats and dogs.
Ionic trace minerals contain zinc, manganese, iron, and copper among other minerals. These trace minerals are not required in great amounts, yet play very significant biological functions as both catalytic and structural cofactors for proteins and immune cells; thus, Ionic trace minerals are important for life. The significance of trace minerals to cellular physiology is emphasized by the fact that roughly 30% of all proteins require a metal cofactor. In accord with the strict necessity for metals in various cellular processes, ionic trace minerals are important for proper vertebrate immune function.
Ionic trace minerals are essential in managing the effects of chronic inflammation in cats and dogs by ensuring a robust and balanced immune response. They help build healthy first-responder cells and ensure that the pro-inflammatory proteins are in balance with the anti-inflammatory proteins.
Zinc is the most influential trace mineral, as it plays a role in over 300 enzyme systems and is a key component in over 3 000 proteins in the body – more than any other trace mineral. It is critical to the formation of protective epithelial barriers (skin, gut lining, respiratory, and reproductive tracts) and is a key component and building block in both the skin and immune system.
Much like zinc, manganese too plays an essential role in the health and well-being of our pets. Manganese plays a central role in many cellular processes such as protein, fat, and carbohydrate metabolism. It is thus essential to all forms of life. In addition, manganese is utilized by a diverse set of enzymes. Manganese, in addition to zinc and copper, form part of the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is perhaps one of the most important antioxidants in your body. Antioxidants are key to the healing process through cellular protection and the removal of free radicals that lead to inflammation and damaged tissue.
Iron is second to zinc in its required amount and is essential to red blood cell function. Red blood cells are critical to immune system activity, as immune cells kill bacteria with oxygen. Similarly, a link between copper and innate immune function has been recognized for years. Previous literature chronicled that a mild copper deficiency in animals and humans was often characterized by neutropenia. Neutropenia was a condition that was partly associated with a decrease in the number of circulating neutrophils, which are very potent immune cells. Therefore, animals with low zinc, iron, manganese, or copper status often have a depressed immune response and are more prone to chronic inflammation.
Selenium is also an important ionic trace mineral that plays a critical role in cellular protection and healing. The immune system relies on adequate dietary selenium to empower selenoproteins, such as glutathione peroxidases (GPXs), which are sent to sites of inflammation to clean up end-products of cellular damage created by immune cell function. Combined, zinc, manganese, copper, and selenium join forces in removing inflammatory waste products, also known as the antioxidant process.
Our pet supplement company provides you with an Ionic trace mineral (AniMinerals) for your pet at an affordable price. The minerals in AniMinerals are in solution and waiting to be rapidly assimilated. This is what your pet’s body needs on daily basis! Reach out to us for more information about the product.