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Return and Cancelation policy

You can return any product within the guarantee window if it is unused or unopened. Please note that retains the right to deny any return.

30-Day Guarantee

Product may be returned if opened or used. To receive a refund (less shipping charges), the product must be returned within 30 days.

The customer is responsible for all return shipping charges.

All returns are carefully inspected by the Returns Department before a refund is issued.

The final refund amount will be determined based upon the return inspection. For example, damages to the product could result in a deduction.

Any returned item(s) rejected by our Returns Department may be claimed by the Customer. The Customer is responsible for return shipping costs. Please contact Customer Service directly to set this up by calling (800) 868-1009 or (570) 604-6692

Rejected returns are held for 14 days. Items that are not requested to be returned to the Customer within 14 days will be discarded.

Refunds will be issued back to the original form of payment.

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