Bone Broth: High-Quality Ingredients For Your Dog's & Cat's Health
Bone broth is a delicious and nutritious option that your dogs will love, its composition is rich in essential nutrients, especially...

Pet Nutrition The Raw Truth
There have been some interesting developments in the area of dog and cat nutrition in the "mainstream" of research. Although not a...

Filling You In On Dental Care
One of the rapidly growing specialties in veterinary medicine is dentistry. The increasing awareness of dental health behooves me to...

Flea Free - Naturally
As a veterinarian in South Florida, I have see more than my share of flea problems. I am very often asked what can be done naturally to...

Holistic FURst Aid Kit
Traumeel/T-Relief/Traulevium: ANY injury, acute inflammation. Drops, tablets. Dissolve one tablet or ten drops in one tablespoon water....

Calculating Calcium Requirements
Many People had ask that in EggShellent Calcium instructions is instructed to give one teaspoon (1900 mg of calcium) for each one pound...

Dealing with Kidney Failure
Unfortunately, one of the most common chronic health problems facing companion animals today is chronic renal (kidney) failure. It is one...

Glandular Therapy
Glands are organs that secrete substances which produce a physiological response. They need nutritional support like other tissues. ...

Trace AniMinerals - Spark Plugs of Life
The importance of magnesium and trace minerals (those needed in small quantities) is often overlooked. These vital elements are required...

Rimadyl, A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
In 1997, Pfizer introduced what was to become one of the most prescribed drugs in veterinary medicine, Rimadyl. As is often the case with...